Monday, February 15, 2016

Animal products affecting sustainability/global warming/deforestation/environment/hunger (Greenhouse gas fear over increased levels of meat eating)
"Environmentalism = Veganism.
In light of this week's UN Climate Summit where the goal is "to galvanize and catalyze climate action," and the overwhelming response at the People's Climate March in NYC on Sunday, it is important to remember that the single most effective action we can take towards stopping the imminent degradation and destruction of the planet is to eat a plant-based diet...
The single biggest cause of global depletion and pollution is livestock production...more than the effect of all modes of transportation combined.
Eat plants. Save the world.
--->United Nations Climate Summit 2014:
--->NY Daily News on the People's Climate March:
--->'s Vegan Message Passionately Conveyed at the People's Climate March:
--->Livestock and Climate Change:
--->Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret:
--->My Earth Day Facebook Post:
--->Comfortably Unaware's sustainability lecture:
--->Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)'s Livestock Longshadow Report:
--->5 Non-Nutritional Reasons To Go Meatless:
--->Harmful effects of livestock production article:
--->6 Steps Towards A Plant-Based Diet:"

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